I got to do a really fun thing recently. I got to present to a room full of very talented people in Portland, and describe my dirty little secret. It's a hobby actually. Plastic models. Moreover - dioramas. I even created a blog for them
Diorama Getaway.
even though I haven't worked on one in about 6 years. The theme for the evening was apresentation format called Pecha Kucha. Basically you have 20 slides, 20 seconds each (total 6min 40sec) to communicate something. anything. an idea, a talent, a message. whatever is worth sharing to a room full of your peers.
I was into dioramas ever since, when I was about 12 years old, I got Monogram's B-17 Bomber. Inside was not only hundreds of tiny pieces, decals, figures and the instruction book, but also a fantastic full color booklet of the famous Sheperd Paine's Diorama of that kit.
photos here.
Ever since those days, I've been fascinated by realistically creating miniature realities.
I even took it so far as to spend most of my career in advertising. another 'alternate reality' in and of itself.
Anyway, it was a great night. I encourage you to check out the other presenters' slide shows in the sidebar.
Each contribution was a valuable patch in the quilt that was that evening. Wait, did I just type that?
Pecha Kucha Presentation.