Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Pecha Kucha Diorama Presentation

I got to do a really fun thing recently. I got to present to a room full of very talented people in Portland, and describe my dirty little secret. It's a hobby actually. Plastic models. Moreover - dioramas. I even created a blog for them

Diorama Getaway.

even though I haven't worked on one in about 6 years. The theme for the evening was apresentation format called Pecha Kucha. Basically you have 20 slides, 20 seconds each (total 6min 40sec) to communicate something. anything. an idea, a talent, a message. whatever is worth sharing to a room full of your peers.

I was into dioramas ever since, when I was about 12 years old, I got Monogram's B-17 Bomber. Inside was not only hundreds of tiny pieces, decals, figures and the instruction book, but also a fantastic full color booklet of the famous Sheperd Paine's Diorama of that kit.

photos here.

Ever since those days, I've been fascinated by realistically creating miniature realities.
I even took it so far as to spend most of my career in advertising. another 'alternate reality' in and of itself.
Anyway, it was a great night. I encourage you to check out the other presenters' slide shows in the sidebar.
Each contribution was a valuable patch in the quilt that was that evening. Wait, did I just type that?

Pecha Kucha Presentation.

Thursday, October 01, 2009

the joys of not owning your domain

Alas, in my attempt to get a hold of my business' url name for my pending website,
I get to enjoy sending a printed/handwritten letter which will supposedly be handed along to the actual owner of the domain to see if he/she so chooses to contact me in response. #domainfail

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Hey folks, I know it's literally been a couple years since I gave this blog some love, so now it's time to get back into it. In a couple weeks, I'll be launching Brand Royal's website with much ballyhoo. I'm hoping to keep this blog updated with all sorts of cool design inspiration and innovative communication trends and techniques.